How to Design an Office For: Tech Companies

Jo Horbury

When designing or refurbishing any office space, it is important that it is created to serve the needs of your business and its employees.

The overall look and feel of your office can greatly determine how happy your employees feel whilst at work, but also how focused and productive they are. This is particularly relevant for those individuals who are working in the tech industry.

An office designed for a tech company needs to cater to its technological needs, inspire employees, and be innovative to reflect the latest technology that it is using.

Below, we have collated the top 5 features to consider when designing an office for a tech company:

1. Consider A Flexible Office Layout

Now more than ever before, companies are implementing hybrid working structures into their business models as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; a form of working where employees both work at home and from the office during the working week.

To accommodate this new way of working, “hot desking” has been implemented across companies. “Hot desking” essentially gives employees the freedom to sit where they would like whilst in the office.

Where employees would usually have an assigned working space in a traditional office, “hot desking” allows employees the choice, depending on what their needs are for that day.


Where your tech team will likely need to collaborate with different people throughout the day, potentially from different specialty departments too, “hot desking” is a great way to promote collaboration without imposing on another employee’s desk space.

If you aren’t keen on this idea and still would like assigned seating arrangements, why not consider other agile working solutions such as collaborative booths and spaces. Having these options present in your office are a great if employees need to meet in large groups to discuss ideas as it takes them away from their assigned desks where they could disturb other workers.

You could also consider implementing quiet spaces and private nooks for those employees who need or would benefit from solitary working and their own space too. Working in the tech industry, its likely there will be times whilst working on projects or pitches where quiet working will help workers to concentrate and produce their best work.

Having agile working solutions in your office space will help to promote staff collaboration and productivity, as well as give them the freedom to choose what working style will most benefit them at any given time in the office.

2. Prioritise Your Office Technology Needs

It is impossible to design an office space for a technology company, and not cater for the masses of technology kept within it. If this is not done, employees likely will find it difficult to complete their jobs to a high standard and could find working in the office more troubling than working from home.

Make sure that your office furniture such as desks are capable of housing all of your employees tech. Most employees will usually be working with a laptop, however some can use multiple monitors, a laptop, as well as other accessories. If you are not providing them with ample space, your workers will find their job becomes increasingly difficult.


Similarly, it is important to consider where your technology touch points are in your office. Touch points such as charging outlets and plug sockets will be vital in allowing your employees to conduct their duties on a daily basis.

When planning your office layout, make sure your desks are always centred around charging ports and sockets. As well as this, make sure any conference room or breakout areas you create are designed with plug sockets and screens built into them to allow employees to remain proactive whilst away from their desk.

3. Office Furniture Will Be Key

Inevitably, most employees working in an office for a tech company will be sat at their desk for a large proportion of their day; because of this, office furniture is key when designing an office for the purpose of a technology company.

When choosing the desk seating in your office, make sure your options are comfortable, and you are considering staff safety and wellbeing too. Ergonomic chairs will help with proper back support and help to inhibit any future pain or injuries for employees.

Standing desks have also become a staple in many offices where employees would usually be sat down for long periods of time.

According to a recent article, a standing desk can help to minimise weight gain, lower a person’s risk of heart disease and help with back pain.

Ensuring that your staff are comfortable and healthy in your office will help in promoting productivity and will ultimately make your staff happier.

4. Match your Office Aesthetic to your Business

Contrary to what some people may think, offices for tech companies do not need to be plain looking and dull. Office designs for tech companies can be colourful and creative and can massively help to set the intention of the office.

However, it is also important not to over indulge in this too. Most workers within a tech company will likely be required to work for long periods of time with complete focus.

Experts have suggested that too much stimulation within an office environment can lead to fixation and overwhelming feelings, all of which can inhibit an employee’s creativity.

When decorating an office for a tech company, consider minimalist designs to ensure little distraction and to avoid overwhelming staff.

Equally, it is also important to keep your office modern. Working within the tech industry, it is assumed that you will be using the latest and most innovative technology and that overall, your business is both current and innovative too.

If your office space appears outdated and does not reflect the modernity of the tech you use, prospective clients and new employees can become confused about your brand and what it reflects.

5. Don’t Forget About Your Social Space

Within any office space a social environment can be equally as important as a working environment. Especially when working in an office with a tech background where the workload can be full on, socialising your employees is essential.

Show that you care for your employees mental and physical wellbeing by creating a dedicated space where they can relax and socialise at different points in the day.

As already mentioned, collaboration booths and pods can be a great way to bring people together. Or consider sectioning a part of your office layout off and away from employee desks so they can be detached from work for a period of time.

Fill this space with relaxed sofas and chairs to make it a getaway for your employees, as well as other recreational activities such as pool tables and table tennis.

Although the installation of such recreational activities is a controversial subject when it comes to office design and working, many organisations find the benefits of this office design massively outweigh its setbacks.

This article details the reasons why leisure activities can be beneficial in improving employee productivity. Some examples are such activities promote collaboration and cooperation, they help to create a fun and positive working environment, and they have a calming impact during high-stress situations.

Although in some instances, these activities could have the reverse effect, if used properly and not exploited, we think they could have a hugely positive impact on your office and your staff.

Contact Us

Get in touch and we will be happy to discuss how we can manage the fit-out of your new tech office space, or anything else you might need.

Please contact us on 0113 388 6522, or by email at